
you can make a difference

Why Give?

Each year, public school funding undergoes drastic budget cuts by the state and schools struggle to pay for the essentials. Many of the “extras” that make learning come to life for your child would not be funded without the assistance of NEEF. Examples of enrichment programs we have funded include magnet programs, STEAM programs, robotics clubs, educational gardens, Spanish language programs, special education tools and musical instruments.

Northern Hills Sensory Room
Camelot Musical Playground


  • Create a lasting impact: Learn about legacy giving opportunities. Learn more here
  • Direct your impact: Designate your gift to the program area you’re most passionate about.  Learn more here
  • Checks: Checks should be made out to the North East Educational Foundation and mailed to: North East Educational Foundation, 8961 Tesoro Dr. Ste. 609, San Antonio, TX 78217
  • Become a Team NEISD member by filling out this form.
  • United Way: Donors can contribute through United Way. Our number is 8050
  • Gifts In Kind: Donors interested in giving door prizes and other items should contact NEEF at


Is My Donation Tax Deductible?

As a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization, donations to NEEF are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. The organization’s EIN number is 74-2410944.

Planned Giving

Leave the ultimate legacy by giving a contribution that will impact generations of students and teachers. For more information on making a planned gift, visit our page at Leaving A Legacy or  email or call 210-407–0117.
Tuscany Heights STEAM Lab
Privacy Policy

NEEF keeps your personal information private and secure. When you make a payment through our site, we use the information only to process your payment and ensure the payment is correctly credited to your account. Once your payment is processed, all financial information is removed from the system. We retain your mailing address for tax information and email address for NEEF communications. We make every effort to limit our email communication to quarterly event information and updates on how your funds are benefitting our students and teachers.  We do not share your information with any outside parties.