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Summer Marketing

July 23, 2024 - July 31, 2024

Grow Summer Event

We have a marketing opportunity to showcase your business to a total of over 1,000 NEISD employees at our summer training events. Here are our events:

June 4 – NEISD PLC Coaching Academy (Professional Learning Community) with teachers that are honing skills to be a teacher coach. There will be just over 200 attendees. Throughout the day, there will be 15 minute breaks to interact. This will take place at Tex Hill Middle School.

July 23 and 25 – NEISD Summer Leadership Program for all 600 District Leaders takes place at Reagan High School. Leadership staff will be in attendance for training and informational sessions throughout these two days. Vendor tables will be available, as well as an opportunity to provide breakfast and snacks to our District Leaders.

July 30 and 31- New Teacher Orientation will have about 400 attendees at Johnson High School. This would be a wonderful opportunity to make a first impression on the new teachers.

Business partners like yourself provide the “fun” part of our training events. You will be able to visit with staff before, during breaks, and after the sessions by providing your marketing materials, snacks, and giveaways! This year, we have additional touchpoints in our sponsorship packages, such as room sponsorships where you leave your marketing materials in classes, or the All Access Pass, which includes sponsoring the Leadership Presentation. There are a limited number of tables available for each event. Therefore, we hope to hear from you soon. Click HERE to register for the event, or follow this link: https://bit.ly/2024Foodsponsor to provide breakfast and/or snacks to the Leadership event.

Proceeds benefit the North East Educational Foundation and your payment is tax deductible. Our packages are different this year, so if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!


July 23, 2024
July 31, 2024