A Vending Machine that Feeds your Brain

Apr 10, 2023 | Grants, Our Stories

“I was really excited,” Sophia Valdez described how it felt to win a drawing after a summer reading challenge. She was among a number of students that were rewarded with a chance to get a book from Huebner Elementary School’s Book Vending machine.

Sophia describes how students can earn a book, “Doing good things and a teacher catches you. You get a coin that you can put in the book vending machine and get a free book.”

Librarian, Natalie Watts, awarded 4th grader, Lincoln Drayna with a coin to get a book, because his teacher constantly caught him reading!

“Thanks a lot!” exclaimed Lincoln.

Books have been awarded to students that set a goal, either academically or behaviorally, and have achieved it. The book vending machine touches on several aspects of student life, from learning in the classroom to reaching social and emotional milestones.

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