And the Oscar Goes To…

Jan 25, 2024 | Grants, Our Stories

Madison High School’s film class has skyrocketed its production quality thanks to a generous NEEF grant of $7,796. With the funds, teacher Brandon Moore purchased two Black Magic cameras, upgraded their audio equipment, and improved their previous equipment. Brandon expressed his excitement about the professional-level equipment, stating that it has been a source of inspiration for his students. The students have even entered two national competitions and two 48-hour film fests, allowing them to elevate their skills and eventually win awards. Mr. Moore has seen a greater interest in the film program and believes that the grant will sustain itself with proceeds from future awards.

The graduating senior, Roberto Martinez, was particularly amazed by the Black Magic camera, stating that it felt like he was working in the “big leagues.” Dariela Bernal, another senior, found a new love for creating stories for an audience through film media. The students came together to create a mental health awareness short film called “Out of the Darkness,” which was brilliantly scripted, edited, and shot to make the viewer feel like they were in a crisis. The film showed the importance and effectiveness of reaching out for help via the hotline and left a significant impact on viewers. Kudos to Brandon Moore for inspiring his students to create such amazing work.

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