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Gordon Hartman’s Enduring Commitment to NEEF

Gordon Hartman’s Enduring Commitment to NEEF The 19th Annual Jerry Comalander's Fore! The Kids NEEF Golf Tournament is proud to have the Gordon Hartman Family Foundation as its Presenting Sponsor. Gordon Hartman, the foundation's founder, began his career as a local homebuilder and...

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Together, We Gave Big for the Big Give!

Together, We Gave Big for the Big Give!

We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to every single person who contributed to the success of this year's Big Give. Your role in our community is invaluable, and your generous donations have been instrumental in our success. In total, NEEF and our NEISD campus...

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Exciting News from the New Teacher Orientation Luncheon

Exciting News from the New Teacher Orientation Luncheon

The New Teacher Orientation Luncheon was filled with excitement, anticipation, and a warm welcome to the 72 new educators joining our NEISD family. The North East Educational Foundation (NEEF) is grateful to our new teachers and wishes to help them start on a solid...

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