Big Headline Here
Subtext hereNEEF Grant Provides State-of-the-Art STEM Learning Tools
STEM Academy at Nimitz Middle School is using the Merge Cubes and VR (virtual reality) headsets that were purchased with a North East Educational Foundation grant to elevate their science curriculum. The Merge Cubes and VR headsets provide students with a broader...
LEE High School Uses Anatomage Table to Strengthen the Biomedical/Advanced Science Pathway
STEM Academy at LEE High School Director Jennifer Jensen was thrilled when she received a NEEF grant for $78,000 last year. With the funds, she bought an Anatomage table, which is a six-foot-long digital operating table that is loaded with scans of four real cadavers....
Ed White Middle School Calming Room Innovation Grant
Calming Room At Ed White Middle School, we got to experience the “Calming Room” NEEF (North East Educational Foundation) Innovative Grant. Kristen Palacios, STAN Counselor guided us on a mindful journey that we did not want to end! Kristen pointed out, “The space is...
MacArthur High School Page to Stage Innovation Grant
MacArthur High School “Page to Stage” Innovative Grant Creates Drama for Middle and High Schoolers Mahalia Dinglasan, Drama Teacher at MacArthur High School, used her $1,000 NEEF (North East Education Foundation) Innovative Grant to not...
Record Breaking Big Give Fundraiser!
This year, the North East Educational Foundation and participating NEISD campuses raised a record amount of funds for the #BigGive2022 campaign. We surpassed our goal by 15% to raise $126,986. Among the 396 participating Big Give SA fundraisers, we achieved 1st place...
Big Wins at NEEF’s 17th Annual Golf Tournament!
The North East Educational Foundation (NEEF) successfully raised funds for Innovative Grants at the 17th annual Jerry Comalander’s Fore! The Kids Golf Tournament on Friday, Sept. 16. Like last year, the fundraiser was presented by Lifetouch. A total of 128 players had...
NEISD Staff Gets Surprised with NEEF Grants in their Classrooms!
This week, the North East Educational Foundation (NEEF) has been surprising NEISD educators with Innovative Grant checks for a variety of programs. Every year, NEEF opens the grant application process to NEISD educators. Once the applications are in, NEEF Board...
Seven Innovative Grants Were Awarded at Convocation
A whopping $30,497.65 in teacher grants was awarded at this year’s Convocations by the North East Educational Foundation (NEEF). Three grant recipients will soon be able to incorporate outdoor learning into their curriculum. Michelle Saenz, a pre-K teacher at Bulverde...
NEEF Surprises New Teachers with Classroom Supply Gift Cards
Selena Davila is one of 75 new North East ISD teachers who were surprised with a $100 supply grant from the North East Educational Foundation (NEEF) today. She can’t wait to get into her classroom at Royal Ridge Elementary School and make it a special place for her...